My Journey With Suki
Suki is my Border Collie/Australian Cattle Dog mix. She has a generalized anxiety disorder and developed behavioral inconsistencies at 6 months old. One day she'd have separation anxiety, the next she wouldn't. One day the vacuum didn't matter, the next it was terrifying. One day she'd love the new stranger - the next time they visited, she was terrified. Her fears and anxieties flip-flopped daily and even hourly. She grew so terrified of the world around her I couldn't even take her on walks. She reacted to fear through the "fight" response, frequently having all-out panic attacks. She helped me learn what it’s like to work with difficult and even “aggressive” dogs. What shocked me most was that I'd done everything I could to socialize her. She had been going to training and socialization classes from the day I brought her home. She had never had any negative experience to contribute to these behaviors. It just all showed up out of the blue. I'd done everything I possibly could to have a happy, well socialized dog and yet all of that work had amounted to nothing. I felt like a complete failure as a dog owner and trainer, but I was determined not to give up!
I did a lot of research to understand her unique problems. I worked with many other trainers to gain insight and assistance. I worked hard to gain knowledge through personal experience and education. After all this Suki has made amazing progress. We can go on walks again and she does much better with strangers. She no longer has to be locked in another room when strangers visit. So long as people ignore her, she is generally fine with most people. Sometimes she will even bring them toys to play with her! Best of all she listens and trusts me more than ever. She taught me that training does not happen overnight. It takes time, patience, and a respectful, understanding relationship. |
I've had to accept that, due to Suki's anxiety, I will likely never be able to take her with me into social situations - and that’s okay. There were days I questioned if I would even be able to keep her at all - now I can’t imagine life without her!
Suki has helped me learn and grow as a dog trainer more than anything else! I've had to learn that because of her unique issues she will always be my "problem dog." She will need continuous training and management throughout her life, but I absolutely love and adore her and I love watching her progress! I learn from her every day! Thanks to her, I have tried things I would never have considered before (Thundershirts, TTouch, Face Wraps, anxiety medication for dogs, and Essential Oils, just to name a few). She has helped me gain a better understanding and appreciation for all dogs. She has helped me to learn and grow in ways I never thought possible. I wouldn't be the trainer I am today if it wasn't for her. |